Tuesday, March 25, 2008


i just finished On the Road tonight. and in the story then end up in Mexico and have a crazy day with Gregor a man they met and a bunch of hookers. they then begin to drive and they drive straight into a jungle with a bunch of bugs and because they don't know the way and their lights are acting weird they decided to just sleep on the road right outside of the jungle. they have of course been bitten by many bugs and there is not wind and extremem heat. in the morning the keep driving and arrive at a village full of indigenous people. Neal gives one of the girls his watch in exchange for a crystal the girls were trying to sell. they then leave and drive straight for Mexico City and Jack catches a fever. (at this point in the book the editor has written a note saying the last bit of the scroll was missing and that was because Luican Carr's dog had eaten it, so the editor gathered from Jack new edition from the ending what he thought was the actual ending.) Neal leaves him to settle his divorce with Carolyn and to live with Diana but ends up returning to Carolyn after having argued with Diana who was pregnant. Jack recovers and returns to NY and gets married. Neal comes to help him move to San Francisco a few weeks too early and has changed so much so that he can not talk straight. because Jack's friend does not like Neal they leave to go to a concert without him and Neal leaves for San Francisco. the book ends with Jack saying how sometimes he thinks of Neal, indicating that they did not see each other again since the time Neal left that night for San Francisco.

i find the ending of the book unexpected and bittersweet. because Neal and Jack do not see each other but Jacks love for him as a person, friend, brother never ends.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


recently i read from 360 to 381. in those pages what basically happens is Neal has setteled down with a new girlfriend is trying to get divorced from Carolyn and is working in a parking lot. Jack decides to leave NY and go to Mexico with his friend Frank so he leaves for Denver to hang out with his friends one last time. after a couple days he gets the news that Neal is coming to Denver and has decided to go to Mexico with him. So Jack, Frank and Neal leave for Mexico after a weekend of partying and fall in love with the country. The last bits of what i read was Jack talking about some of the characteristics of the land. how the people were, and they were especially amazed with how lovely the cops were, and just admiring the country.

I am still not sure what to write about for an essay, but his descriptions of the emotions he is going through and the thoughts he is thinking fascinate me and if i see more of the in the secong book, i will probably write about something that has to do with that.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

2nd reading post

since my last post i have read from 322 to 334. what happens in those pages are Neal and Jack must leave Denver as soon as possible because Neal has made their hosts back neighbores angry and has stolen a car so Neal and Jack get hired by the man who needs his limo to be driven from Denver to Chicago with passengers in it. Neal while driving some of the passengers mad because he is late to pick them up from the spot (because he was on a date with a waitress he had just met) was able to drive the limo. He does make some of the passengers worried, but they get used to him after a while. On the way they stop at a farm to see Neals friend whom Jack sees has also given up on Neal, and they still do not know Neals fathers whereabouts. After their visit they keep on driving and manage to get into an accident but the limo driver does not care and the police let them go.

that is all i have read so far.